Thursday, February 09, 2006

Leaves on Dark Water

Have you ever seen leaves on a river at night? For a moment, it looks like they may touch and be joined together on their journey down the river, until they become so waterlogged that they sink. But at least they are not solitary for their nocturnal travel. But as you watch, maybe the wind blows, or there is a ripple you couldn't see...and the leaves slowly drift apart. And the leaves are separate once more.

For that moment, when the leaves are about to touch, it seems as if the world holds its breath. Maybe God lays a wager to see if the leaves will touch, or spin away from each other. The river ripples, the wind blows. The leaves touch, briefly, and glide away from each other. They spiral into the night.

What I would like to know is...who won the bet?


I like to think that God believes in Karma.

I don't really have any evidence to base this belief on, just a hope that justice doesn't only happen in the afterlife. Maybe I want to believe it because I'm impatient. I want justice now, so that I can skip to the next phase of my life. I've been angry, I've grieved, and now I just want to be past it...but I have this yearning for the scales to come even again. My favorite readings from Early Brit Lit included "Dream of the Rood"...for those of you who don't know, a rood is the tree that Christ was nailed to. In that story, the image of Christ isn't the kinder, gentler Christ portrayed today. He is a Warrior-Hero, and his quest is to save the world. Justice is his sword. I like that image. Maybe I'm just blood-thirsty.