Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Snow Days

Gunmetal clouds obscure what little I can see of the sky from my basement daytime abode. The denizens of my area grow restless as weather reports begin. Snow, snow snow. Its no longer a matter of whether it will snow, but rather how much and when. Unfortunately, the snow will not begin soon enough to cancel work, school or anything worthy of being canceled. Instead, the snow only means that I will be staying home tonight. It won't even rate leaving work early. *sigh*

Fond memories of childhood snow days assail me. Days when the snow blanketed everything, and you no longer heard traffic. Instead, the only sound would be the shushing of snow through trees, and your siblings squabbling in the corner. Who knows why...and here comes the wiffle bat. Its no longer a surprise to me that my parents have gray hair. In retrospect, I'm not sure how they survived our childhood.

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