Tuesday, December 19, 2006


The name is derived from Latin sol (sun) and sistere (stand still), because at the solstice, the Sun stands still in declination, that is, it reaches a maximum or a minimum(distance from the equator).
(definition courtesy of Wikipedia)

As daylight fades, and nighttime lengthens I ponder impoderables. Have I lived a life worth living? No, that question does not equate a death wish! Simply, I wonder to myself If I have done everything that I should have done. Or, have I shrunk back from life's challenges? Honestly, I think I have done a bit of both. I know that when it comes to experiencing the romantic side of my life, I have fallen short of the ideal. Perhaps I am set in my ways and not open to my options.

Is anyone, really? Or do we have to be metaphorically "knocked up-side the head" to even find love? Cupid...stop with the arrows...try throwing rocks!

So, on the longest night, I will stand still (hopefully, not declining!). Perhaps I will hear in the silence that resides there...an introduction to my options. At the very least, I hope I see the sun returning.

1 comment:

Uncle Dave said...

Hi Kara, I've had fun this morning tracking you down. ...guess that goes to show how boring my life is...anyway, probably not the place to ask this, but I couldn't find an email address for you. Would you like to chat with me sometime online? I see you have a yahoo messenger account, my handle is jeepsterdave. I look forward to hearing from you!